Friday 15 February 2013

Just the sexiest man alive by Julie James

This one really threw me!

I liked  the concept and thought it was a very nice read.

I loved how it wasn't overly extravagant being based on the Hollywood scene.

The lawyer scenes were a welcomed change and while I didn't feel a strong connection between Taylor and Jason, I still saw where it was possible for them to have one if more time was allowed to pass. (I personally think the time span was rather short for any real relationships and feelings to be built)

I was also surprised that throughout the novel, the female protagonist never once contacted her family that she mentioned she was close with, especially her parents who sacrificed so much to make her where she was.
So it was strange when she made her decision without thinking about the impact it would have on them and her two best friends.

The drama level in this book was minimal to non existent, but the witty banters and self control was welcomed on my part.
Most of the characters kept themselves on a tight leash that could have gotten boring, but instead add a different element.

I love that I could go through a book about two adults without overly steamy sex scenes, and still be interested and captured.

This book isn't overly dramatic nor romance filled, but it's a good read!


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