Monday, 13 January 2014

Layers By T.L. Alexander

Firstly, you can currently read this book in it's entirety on Putting that aside, this is not a straight forward, cliche, pattern filled novel. It will start requiring an acquired taste, and if you are anything like me, you will be thinking about switching to another book when you first began reading.

It's safe to say though, that it gets a little better. Lacking an original ending and sneak peek, it still remains an interesting book. This is a very disorganized novel. Therefore, at times you will get the POV of Jax. It comes with no real reason or purpose. Just more inner ramblings to match that of Alexia. Her inner monologues, resemble the ramblings of a teenager, as oppose to the life of a 27-year-old extremely accomplished woman. Don't even get me started on her Grams, because this entire story seems like it was placed in a martini mixer and shaken!

The romance story was even more unclear than the general plot. I didn't doubt nor believe their relationship. It was overwhelmingly easy, breezy. If I wasn't witness to it, I would call it non existent. It's all one jumbled mess, and the fact that we started from the middle didn't help. There are no clear relationship or sexuality line in this novel. Men are lusting after men and they ain't even gay! As I said before, one jumbled mess.

I didn't make much of a connection with the other characters, but i'm cool with Jax and Alexia individually. Relationship and sex wise, it all felt too friendly. Once minute he is professing his undying lust and love, the next he is shacking up with his ex. Nothing in the world seems to bother Alexia, so this makes it even more complicated to understand or be upset. As I said, I still see them in the friend zone.

There are a lot of questions, and the future of this story, looks filled with even more. There is a tone to this story. It is laid back, regardless of the issue. This story starts and end with a bang, but you don't really feel the severity of it all.

Depth and a whole lot of explanation is needed within this novel. However, throughout it all, I was kept interested and was able to read it in one sitting. It keeps you entertained and interested enough to finish and want more. While you are sure to skim some conversations, or re-read them, because you can't understand what it is about, you have so much questions that you can't help but to see how it will all play out.

I believe the supporting characters were also on an average level. I never fell in love with any of them nor did I hate them. It's conflicting to relay feelings with this novel, because it lacks so much. It's impossible to tie down one emotion with this cast, because they are all over the place.

I would really love to see how this story develops from here, because so much is missing, when so many unwanted parts could have been removed, like the reading of a fictional story in a fictional story o.O
My interest in this story line though is peaked and I hope this very secretive cast will give us something to work with in the next installment.

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