Tuesday 8 April 2014

Obsessed - Part Two By Deborah Bladon

Someone please change the name of this novel and give us back the Ivy of book 1. This Ivy was naive, annoying and searching for love in all the wrong places. It's like she reverted to a teenage version of herself. At this point, I can see her by herself, but I doubt she would. If I was a psychiatrist, I'd even go as far as to recommend it. Some people needed a breather, she is one of them. I am waiting to see what it is she sees in Jax.

I still haven't connected with Jax, but I can say with certainty that he is a controlling douche. Maybe there are points to his personality that I am missing, but those two are the ones that stand out for me. He has yet to win my vote. A vase of Daisy and a cheesy little necklace doesn't do it for me either. I hope this is the aim of Ms. Bladon, for the character, because based off principles alone, I dislike the personality of most of the main characters in this novel.

I think I have figured out what the obsession in this novel is, but it's not what I expected or wanted when I first picked up this series. Reading this story hasn't gotten me interested either, as I believe that deception runs more rampant than obsession.

I liked Mark in this installment, especially when he stood up to Ivy in the last half of this novel. I assume he is suppose to be the bad guy, but when he's not sleeping with half of Manhattan, he wins me over. We know that he cares for Ivy obviously, but his self-preservation tactics in the face of Ivy's naivety, is the closest to reality we came in this novel.

There were a few scenes, that needed more weight than they pulled, like the ones with Ivy and her dad. Fret not though, because most of the reveals of this novel like book 1, was drama filled but complimented the issues and current situations well. This story is moving full speed ahead. In some areas and in the name of development, that speed is welcomed, as it's a novella. Still, it sometimes need to get a hold of things that thread the unrealistic line.

As short as this novel is we have met new characters, learnt more about the old ones and spend some time with Ivy's life outside of Manhattan. For all the misconceptions and my lack of attraction to the lead male, I can stick with this story to the end, mostly because it's not that far away.

Swimming in cliches with a questionable cast, 'Obsessed' surely knows how hold my attention at the end and Ms. Adams is still her nosy, lovable self. I might have rolled my eyes repeatedly by the end of this novel, but I am sure I am gonna pick up the next installment, because I did remain interested. As is, I have only one favourite and no expectation. I am not as invested in this story as I thought I would be, but thankfully it progresses, or it would have been a complete failure for me.


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