Friday 13 September 2013

Beautiful Bombshell By Christina Lauren

Hilarious! These guys surely know how to spend a day in Vegas. It's hangover on sex with a little less excitement, but still good and true to the Beautiful series charm, wit and laughter.

I believe that with each book, this series gets better. Throw in Max Stella and you have perfection! The accent, the lingo, the raw sex appeal and humour that is this man never ceases. I actually prefer his chapters to Bennett's, but then, Max Stella just owns everything, including chapters in a book! His presence is formidable.

Another element of this series that improves for me, is Bennett Ryan's character. I wasn't the biggest fan of 'Beautiful Bastard', but this series got me back with Max and Sara and I have grown to steadily like the character of Bennett as each installment is released. I also  look to his and Chloe's unconventional relationship, as the rock of all relationships throughout this series.

I am not sure if it's reading the first three chapters of 'Beautiful Player' before reading this novel, but I am now seeing a completely different Will than the one I met in 'Beautiful Stranger' and I have to say I am already in love with him!! Nerd or not, he is hot and quite  the conspirator.

This series is a prime example of improvement and consistency. As we go on this journey with this eclectic group of friends, it only gets better and more interesting. Sara and Max, are the poster children for spontaneity and Bennett and Chloe are unquestionably questionable. Yup! Redundant as can be but true!

This was quite a day in Vegas and it certainly felt like more of a weekend than a couple hours. I laughed a lot throughout this novel and loves the antics and theatrics that don't usually accompany Bennett. It was a different side that I surely enjoyed.

I loved this day in Vegas and can't wait to get my hands on book 3 because I am already in love with Ziggy, and Will's smarts is hot and filled with possibilities!

This is a great consistent series and I can't wait for the rest!

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